Wednesday, January 03, 2007

He's Gone Country!!

Just in case you were worried, no I haven't cut my hair and grown a gotee...this is one of my best friends Criag! :) He came out west in Novemeber to visit me...lucky me, I'm had so much fun with visitors this semester!!

So! What to tell you about his visit...I have to be honnest and say that Craig has a way of effecting me like no one else has ever been able too... I can go from being totally frustrated with him to laughing histerically with him in milliseconds :D It truely is amazing!

I seriously hadn't laughed so hard in a long time before he came out...I enjoy his company muchly. He is both friend and brother rolled into one and I am blessed :)

I did however learn more about him in this trip then I ever wished to know... and now that I have your curiosity up... I really shouldn't share if I want to keep this friend :D (nice hair in that picture huh? Cyclone? :P)

After a while I started to compile a running list of similairities between him and my father which was really frightening... how many can I remember?

Similar humor (hard to give examples though), very similar things that frustrate them when driving or waiting in lines, coconut cream pie, Gaither Vocal Band, supposed "hate" for Country music (will expalin later), nose bleeds (had to buy Craig Rhinaris-which my dad uses... this similarity was a bit too much for me, I was wierded out slightly)... oh I know there were more but they aren't coming to me :D

While he was here I got to rent a car and take him for his first view of the Rockey Mountains... It was a perfet day-cold and windy but very clear and beautiful :) I think he really enjoyed it, seemed pretty excited at the time and that made for an enjoyable day for me too... I liked watching him see it brand new :)

This ranks as one of my top 3 road trips (where only 2 people are tripping). I'm still amazed that we were in the car for 12 hours together and we were still friends by the end!! We had good talks but mostly sang ALOT. We were pumpin' the Chris Tomlin through the Colombia Pass, and then the Shania Twain through Banff. I found it curious how Craig claimed to be so adimantly against country music with phrases like "who told these people they could sing!?" (exactly what my father says about country music) and yet knew all the words...humm!? He blames it on being raised in "hickville" Nova Scotia (his words, not mine), but I'm not convinced... these were very recent songs. I would call him a "closet country boy"... what about you :D?? At any rate it was a fun trip, even if our rental tires were bald (so he tells me) and we drove on sheer ice from Nordeg to Banff and he made me drive 60 miles/hour. Never a dull moment with Pastor Criag Silver!

Thanks for coming out to Alberta Craig. Please know that I am praying for you in this crucial time in your life. I pray that as the Lord guides you, you will have ears to hear and eyes to see what His good and perfect will is. Love ya Buddy :)

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