Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Surprise...Hot Pot!!

Paul Tan turned 3_...well, perhaps I shouldn't say it on my blog...on November 7th. So, a bunch of us threw him a surprise birthday party that he still clims he had no idea about...which is amazing cause I'm a really terrible lier :S We took him down to China Town to this place that does "Hot Pot"...ever heard of it? No? I hadn't either! It's this sort of "raw buffet" where you go around and get all the bits that you wanna cook up, you take it back to your table and dump it all in this big bowl of soup broth (either the hot stuff, or the not hot stuff), let it cook all up, then spoon it out and eat it! Or, there is also a grill too that you can cook stuff on. It was pretty good! Of course, I was a bigger fan of the grilling as opposed to the soup-ing :D

We had some fun with the food...must say there were a few "interesting" items to choose from, my favorite was the little mini squids...whole squids... :P Scary tid bit of info?? When you put a fresh little squidlet on the grill all the tenticles curl up and it totally looks alive! eeeeewwww! We had a dare going to see who would eat it...Olga won, but then Scott (her husband) had to try and "show her up"...but hey, they both need to get their practice in anyway cause they are leaving to be full-time missionaries in China in like 6 months! :D

It was just a really fun night! Unfortunately I don't have any good pictures of Paul...the only ones are tiped on their sides and I can't turn them! Anyway, Happy Birthday Paul!!! :D


The Essons said...

Hey Chris!

It looks like you are having a yeehaw good time out there in the west!


The Essons said...
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julia said...

aww Chris! that looks and sounds so fun!
I had forgotten that Scott and Olga were going to China. I'm excited for them.
Happy Birthday to you Paul.(please pass that along to him, Chris)

Take care and say hi to them all for me.

julia said...

ok... no more hot pot... update time, Girl.