Over a week ago, we were expecting a plane that was coming to pick up a two short term guys who'd been here for a few weeks. Now, by this time I'd learned not to "hope" that my missing box or order of eggs or other goods from Loki would arrive... the disappointment can feel devastating, so best to try and forget about the possibility... However, this particular day all my things did arrive! My last box that I'd waited 2 weeks for - containing laundry soap, my cell phone chord for charging, toothpaste (which I was quickly running low on), a quick-dry bath towel, and a bunch of goodies that I'd been given for my birthday (dried fruit, and a package of Peanutbutter/Choc Oreos - woah nelly!). When I opened my box I could hardly contain myself as I found in it more items I'd forgotten that I had packed in there, last minute... like 5 shiny green granny smith apples... :D Heavenly days! And not only that, Leah (our logistics gal in Loki) had sent me 2 FLATS of eggs (when I'd ordered 2 doz.), AND Leah had also sent our Doro team POTATOES and CARROTS. We were all fit to be tied :) !!
As much as life here in Doro is good, it isn't always easy. But, I have been blessed by the realization that I am feeling, possibly for the very first time, true and genuine appreciation for the little things in life... well, here they are big things. May God give us the Grace and Gratitude to truly appreciate these things no matter what our circumstances.
You haven't met me yet but I've been working at the SIM Canada office since late October in the area of Donor Relations. We have prayed for you often and you have come to mind many times in recent days. I was pleased to discover that you have a blog. I'm committing to pray for you faithfully. Many times in recent weeks I have personally send an acknowledgment card or letter to a donor who has earmarked his/her gift for your support.
We are discussing the possibility of using the Doro Hospital as a project to promote when we write our lapsed donors. I'm becoming increasingly passionate about SIM's work in the South Sudan so I will be following your work closely.
I know from the reports that you'd had some adjusting to do since arriving there but the quote you closed this post with is very profound. I've copied and pasted it here:
"As much as life here in Doro is good, it isn't always easy. But, I have been blessed by the realization that I am feeling, possibly for the very first time, true and genuine appreciation for the little things in life... well, here they are big things. May God give us the Grace and Gratitude to truly appreciate these things no matter what our circumstances."
May I use this quote in future correspondence with our donors? Please let me know. THANK YOU!
Please check out by blog as well. It is called Pilgrim Scribblings and the URL is:
God bless you, Christiane! I'll stay in touch.
In His Great Love,
David Fisher
P.S. Do you have an e-mail address? I'm sure I could get it from Mary or Paul at the office but I'd like to have it.
Hey Christiane:
I'm waiting impatiently for your next post here on Africanurse.
Several SIMers spoke so highly of you at the office yesterday!
Be encouraged today! You are in the shadow of the Almighty!
Standing with you,
I am praying for you and those around you... and those who couldn't come with you.
I enjoy your updates.
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