Saturday, November 08, 2008

Rebuild the Ancient Ruins

In effort to keep giving you an idea about what I'll be doing in Sudan, this entry will be about the "Rebuild" project itself.

If you've been following along, you've read about the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people returning to Sudan after having fled for their lives from the war that has torn the country apart. Since the start of their return, back in 2005, many NGO's (non-government organizations) have been doing relief and development work all over the southern part of the country, in effort to meet the, at times, insurmountable needs.

SIM has had an active ministry in Sudan for over 100 years, having to leave for periods of time during various wars, but has maintained a good relationship over all with the government, and with Sudan's people (Lord willing this will continue).

The repatriation of so many people is a challenge that I can only imagine at this point. In response to this huge challenge, SIM started a project called "Rebuild South Sudan: Church and Nation". The premise of this ministry is to partner with the already existing National churches to rebuild the infrastructure back into the South, by empowering, training & educating the local people, and sharing the Love and Hope of Jesus along the way. There are a few ways this project is going about doing this - allow me to give you a brief overview:

1) Water and Sanitation Initiatives - getting wells dug and latrines built so people have access to clean and safe water asap
2) Teaching Educators - depending on the resources available in the camps, kids may or may not have had any opportunity for learning up until now... SIM is teaching teachers so schools can re-open and education can start in villages again
3) Health Care - as you know and will hear more of in the years to come, we are rebuilding a previously existing hospital in D, as well as training local people in basic health care with the goal having the hospital and surrounding clinics operated and run by National people as soon as able.
4) Agriculture - believe it or not, many Sudanese youth or young people have little to no knowledge of how to work the land for their livelihood. Many of them grew up in the refugee camps and never got the opportunity to learn these skills from parents.
5) HIV/AIDS Education & Prevention - pretty self explanatory and a big need of course, all over Africa. These people have been through enough... Who better to bring this important information to Sudan people's then the people of Sudan.

Through all of this SIM desires to make known the person of Jesus, and give Him Glory for the wonderful things He has, and will do in the beautiful country of Sudan.

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