After decades of fighting for freedom the citizens of South Sudan PROUDLY stand together with heads held high and hearts full of hope as this past Saturday - July 9th, 2011 - they watched, in unity, the 'old' country flag of Sudan be removed from it's perch on the pole and their new country's flag - the flag which started as a symbol of a 'rebel uprising' - was hoisted high and given it's new position of authority over this now independent nation: the Republic of South Sudan!
It's been an extremely exciting weekend here in Doro as we, along with around 50 thousand Mabaan friends, and a smattering of those from other tribes as well gathered in our town 'square' (the football field) to dance and sing and celebrate the birth of the new country!
The 'buzz' in the air was contagious and not one heart was left un-stirred as friends and 'family' danced and cried for joy as the memories of their loved ones long gone, either in death or displacement to far off countries are no longer 'in vain'... what was fought with blood, sweat, and tears, is STILL (3 days later) being reaped in South Sudan with sounds of JOY...
The New South Sudan is in great need of your ongoing prayers, as in so many ways, we've only reached the base of the mountain... Building up a brand new country with strong foundations and lack of corruption is extremely difficult, and the challenges facing South Sudan at this time are enormous. We are so excited, humanly speaking, for this monumental occasion, yet we know that the people of South Sudan can REALLY only experience TRUE FREEDOM and have TRUE HOPE through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Join us in praying for the leaders of this New Nation and for the Church in this Nation... that the foundations being build here would be in the LORD and that the people's hope and trust would not be miss-placed or miss-guided... Pray that the Believers here in this country would themselves know and understand Jesus more and more, and in so doing, turn others toward the true Savior of their Land.
Praying for South Sudan and your work in Doro.
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